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"Brilliant storytelling. Rajamani deftly mixes dark, Sedaris-like comedy with surreal drama, thus capable of being funny and brave (especially when it involves cultural taboos) -- while also remaining emotionally authentic."
-- Jason Michel, Paris, Editor-in-chief, Pulp Metal Magazine and author of "Confessions of a Black Dog"


In addition to the books, Ashok's work has appeared in dozens of publications, including:


3:AM Magazine



pulp metal magazine



armageddon buffet



the beatnik



orion headless



bewildering stories



barcelona review



danse macabre



weirdyear: journal of experimental fiction



322 review



clutching at straws



burning word magazine



negative suck



six word memoirs magazine



the montucky review



alternative reel poet's corner



new wave vomit literary journal



barnwood: international poetry magazine



cogitemus: journal of philosophy



kill poetry

juxtaprose magazine











scholars & rogues


six word memoirs


the atlantic monthly



the blotter magazine



eunoia review



three line poetry


the blotter magazine


pens on fire



pif magazine



south asian review



mad swirl poetry



wordgathering: journal of disability poetry and literature



NAA News
(newspaper association of america)



voices on the wind poetry journal



mantram magazine



catamaran literary     magazine



red river review



mad swirl poetry



monsters of the rue macabre

arcturus magazine


Copyright @ 2015-2025 Ashok Rajamani. All Rights Reserved.

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