pulitzer prize-luminary commended author
"Brilliant storytelling. Rajamani deftly mixes dark, Sedaris-like comedy with surreal drama, thus capable of being funny and brave (especially when it involves cultural taboos) -- while also remaining emotionally authentic."
-- Jason Michel, Paris, Editor-in-chief, Pulp Metal Magazine and author of "Confessions of a Black Dog"
In addition to the books, Ashok's work has appeared in dozens of publications, including:
barcelona review
weirdyear: journal of experimental fiction
negative suck
alternative reel poet's corner
new wave vomit literary journal
barnwood: international poetry magazine
cogitemus: journal of philosophy
kill poetry
juxtaprose magazine
pens on fire
south asian review
wordgathering: journal of disability poetry and literature
NAA News
(newspaper association of america)
voices on the wind poetry journal
mantram magazine
catamaran literary magazine
monsters of the rue macabre
arcturus magazine